Responding to a significant grant received from a bank that had moved its headquarters out of the historic town, a three-year marketing initiative included (1) a comprehensive inventory of tourism assets and resources within a 20-mile radius that revealed more than 300 historic and cultural resources available to promote, (2) segmenting and targeting the most lucrative regional markets that could be attracted from a 100 mile radius that included a large suburban and urban population, (3) development of nine thematic experiences to take visitors through the region which began and ended in town, (4) strategic planning that included a mission, vision, goals, and objectives for tourism, (5) development of a new brand identification, (6) development of a comprehensive new website to display the whole collection of assets and resources, (7) development of a destination story, (8) development of asset and resource descriptions, (9) development of four pre-designed group tour experiences, (10) development of a comprehensive marketing plan, (11) implementation of a social media marketing program with a consistent posting schedule that, starting from zero, generated 40K unique visitors to the new website in 8 months, (12) implementation of a social media management system, and (13) implementation of a marketing effort to attract group tour operators to feature group travel to the historic town.